Schedule your regular dental cleanings with us. We can help you avoid serious, costly problems and keep your smile healthy, confident, and beautiful. “Preventive dental program” is just a fancy way of saying, “we’ll work with you to keep your teeth and gums healthy.” We aim to prevent dental diseases and conditions from ever starting. But if they occur, our treatment goal is to control problems, eliminate them, and stop them from coming back.
The road to dental disease prevention will always start with your good oral hygiene practices.
Maintaining a balanced diet is also important to oral health. Then, with every office visit, our dentist and your dental hygienists will seek to promote, restore, and maintain your oral health.
Excellent prevention practices can help you avoid serious, expensive dental problems like gingivitis, plaque buildup, and caries (cavities). Regular dental exams, teeth cleanings, and occasional x-rays are all integral pieces of a truly effective prevention program. Among other options, sealants and fluoride offer key preventive benefits as well.